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Team & Contact

Außenansicht Fassade Museum Brandhorst Architektur: Sauerbruch und Hutton

Museum Brandhorst
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
Theresienstraße 35 a
80333 Munich

+49 (0)89 238 05 2286

Office of the Director

Achim Hochdörfer

Director Museum Brandhorst

Sandra Dichtl

Management Assistant (Udo and Anette Brandhorst Foundation)

Kirsten Storz

Project Management (Udo and Anette Brandhorst Foundation)

Curatorial Department

Dr. Monika Bayer-Wermuth

Chief Curator

Franziska Linhardt


Anna Huber

Research Associate

Lena Tilk

Research Associate

Dr. Katharina Fischer

Team Assistant

Dr. Nicholas Maniu

Research Associate

Dina Kagan

Working Student

Press & Marketing

Anna Woll

Head of Communications

Sonja Kurowska

Digital Communications

Valérie Meßner

Communications Assistent

Conservation (Doerner Institute)

Isabel Gebhardt

Senoir Conservator

Bianca Albrecht


Michaela Tischer


Aglaja Kneer


Art Handling and Installation (Doerner Institute)

Wolfgang Wastian

Head of Art Handling and Installation

Stephen Crane
Adrian Keleti
Norbert Schölzel
Gerhard Wagenpfeil

Crossover Departments Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen

The Museum Brandhorst is part of the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen (Bavarian State Painting Collections), which, in addition to the Brandhorst Foundation, are also responsible for our employees. An overview of the large team and the organisational structure of the Bavarian State Painting Collections can be found here.

Education & Learning

Sophie Kindermann

Education and Learning

Jochen Meister

Education & Learning

Andrea Zabric

Research Associate

Janina Horn

Research Associate

Ophelia Herberth


Information & Services

Anke Palden

Information & Services

Registrar, Inventory and Documentation

Maria Espinosa


Anke Hoengesberg


Barbara Siebert

Head of Events

Katarina Jelic
Claudia Fransen
Ines Molz

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