Design a shelter
Creative project FactoryKey data
What protects our body besides our skin and our clothes, which wrap around our body like a second skin? Is there such a thing as a third skin? What could it look like? Try it too and create your own miniature shelter with the help of the following modules.
Instructions for making it yourself
You will need
- various materials and found objects
- liquid glue / sticky tape
- wire wool, strings
- needle and thread
Talk about it
Leather, cotton wool, nylon, stitching (thread). What are the properties of these materials?
Step 1
What materials do you associate with protection?
Collect different materials and found objects, such as branches, cotton wool, newspapers or textiles.
Step 2
Create a small-scale shelter from the materials you have collected. Connect them by gluing, sewing or weaving them together.
What materials are used in your shelter?
What properties and special meanings do they have for you?
Delve deeper
Learn more about the theme of “shelter” and what it means to artist Alexandra Bircken:
Do the original meanings and functions of materials remain when they appear in new contexts?