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Press release

Site Visit

8 March - 3 April 2022 | Exhibition | Lower Level

Press release

Site Visit

8 March 2022 - 3 April 2022, Lower Level


From March 8 to April 3, the exhibition “Site Visit” invites artists from Munich, New York, Berlin and Los Angeles to encounter and engage with each other. In workshops, artists’ talks and installations, they will spend four weeks on the lower floor of Museum Brandhorst exploring questions about the significance of institutional spaces and the conditions of artistic creation.


“‘Site Visit’ turns the process of the artists’ site visit, which usually happens at the beginning of an exhibition project, into a program of installations, talks, and workshops. Inviting the public into this process provides the opportunity for intensive examinations of contemporary art practices. With chances to see art, hear artists talk, and have group conversations, we hope to create dialogue between leading artistic positions and the public.” – Curator Giampaolo Bianconi


Throughout its entire run, Madeline Hollander’s installation “Sunrise/Sunset” (2021) will keep a watchful eye on the exhibition. The work forms a continuous world clock made of 96 recycled car headlights. As the sun rises and sets around the globe, the installation’s headlights react, illustrating the everyday choreographies of our daily lives. The result is an image of global interconnectedness as it emerges through the interplay of individual actions and technological automation. The installation includes an original score by Celia Hollander.


Central to the exhibition format are the alternating installations of local artists. Four artists who live in Munich – Helin Alas, Johanna Klingler, Robert Keil and Maria VMier – exhibit works conceived specially for the exhibition at Museum Brandhorst on a weekly basis. They use the site in different ways as material in painting, sculpture and electronic media.


Accompanying workshops and conversations with the international artists Haris Epaminonda, Carolyn Lazard, Cameron Rowland and Madeline Hollander complement the exhibition. Invited artists and students will engage in workshops on artistic practices and the conditions of their work. These artists will share their practices directly with the public through evening artist talks and conversations. Achim Hochdörfer, director of Museum Brandhorst, emphasizes: “‘Site Visit’ is a forum for exchange with current artistic positions and discourses. As a museum of contemporary art, we also seek to connect with Munich artists here on site, while inviting visitors to participate.”



March 8 – April 3, 2022                Madeline Hollander, “Sunrise/Sunset”, 2021

March 8 – March 13, 2022            Helin Alas

March 15 – March 20, 2022          Johanna Klingler

March 22 – March 27, 2022          Robert Keil

March 29 – April 3, 2022              Maria VMier


Artist Talks

March 8, 2022, 6.00 – 6.30 p.m., online (in German)

Live Instagram talk with Helin Alas on the Instagram channel @museumbrandhorst


March 17, 2022, 7.00 – 8.00 p.m., Patio, Museum Brandhorst Haris Epaminonda in conversation (in English)


March 18, 2022, 7.00 – 8.00 p.m., Patio, Museum Brandhorst Carolyn Lazard in conversation (in English)


March 25, 2022, 7.00 – 8.00 p.m., Patio, Museum Brandhorst Cameron Rowland in conversation (in English)


March 29, 2022, 7.00 – 8.00 p.m., Patio, Museum Brandhorst Madeline Hollander in conversation (in English)



Curator: Giampaolo Bianconi


The exhibition is supported by

PIN. Freunde der Pinakothek der Moderne e.V.



Opening hours: Daily except Monday: 10.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m., Thursday: 10.00 a.m. – 8.00 p.m.


Information on our current hygiene regulations can be found here.






Press photos

Maria VMier
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Maria VMier
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Großformatige, farbige Malereien auf Papier und Bronzeskulpturen an der Ausstellungswand

Maria VMier
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Großformatige, farbige Malereien auf Papier und Bronzeskulpturen an der Ausstellungswand

Maria VMier
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Großformatige, farbige Malereien auf Papier und Bronzeskulpturen an der Ausstellungswand

Maria VMier
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Großformatige, farbige Malereien auf Papier und Bronzeskulpturen an der Ausstellungswand

Maria VMier
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Großformatige, farbige Malereien auf Papier und Bronzeskulpturen an der Ausstellungswand

Maria VMier
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Großformatige, farbige Malereien auf Papier und Bronzeskulpturen an der Ausstellungswand

Maria VMier
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Großformatige, farbige Malereien auf Papier und Bronzeskulpturen an der Ausstellungswand

Maria VMier
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Großformatige, farbige Malereien auf Papier und Bronzeskulpturen an der Ausstellungswand

Maria VMier
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Robert Keil
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Robert Keil
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Robert Keil
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Robert Keil
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Robert Keil
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Robert Keil
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Robert Keil
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Robert Keil
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Johanna Klingler
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Johanna Klingler
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Johanna Klingler
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Artist Johanna Klingler at Museum Brandhorst

Johanna Klingler
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Johanna Klingler
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Installation aus über 40 kleinen Skultpuren, die auf einem Aluminiumregal an der Wand befestigt sind.

Helin Alas, The Gathering, 2022
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Zauberstab aus „Die Zusammenkunft' von Helin Alas, 2022

Helin Alas, The Gathering, 2022
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Installation aus über 40 kleinen Skultpuren, die auf einem Aluminiumregal an der Wand befestigt sind.

Helin Alas, The Gathering, 2022
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Helin Alas, The Gathering, 2022
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Helin Alas, The Gathering, 2022
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Installationsansicht 'Site visit' mit Zauberstäben aus „Die Zusammenkunft' von Helin Alas, 2022

Helin Alas, The Gathering, 2022
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Autoscheinwerfer aus 'Sunrise/Sunset' von Madeline Hollander, 2021

Madeline Hollander, Sunrise/Sunset, 2021
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Madeline Hollander, Sunrise/Sunset, 2021
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Untergeschoss Museum Brandhorst mit großem blauen Teppich und Installation mit Scheinwerfern von Madeline Hollander

Madeline Hollander, Sunrise/Sunset, 2021
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

Madeline Hollander, Sunrise/Sunset, 2021
Installation view at Museum Brandhorst

"Site Visit" installation view at Museum Brandhorst

"Site Visit" installation view at Museum Brandhorst

"Site Visit" installation view at Museum Brandhorst

"Site Visit" installation view at Museum Brandhorst

"Site Visit" exhibition at Museum Brandhorst

Untergeschoss Museum Brandhorst mit großem blauen Teppich und Installationsansicht 'Site visit'

"Site Visit" exhibition at Museum Brandhorst

Portrait Helin Alas

Portrait von Haris Epaminonda

Portrait Haris Epaminonda

Portrait von Madeline Hollander.

Portrait Madeline Hollander

Porträt von Robert Keil

Portrait Robert Keil

Porträt von Johanna Klingler

Portrait Johanna Klingler

Skizze, die eine Person mit Laptop im Bett zeigt.

Carolyn Lazard, Carolyn Working, 2020

Fotografie, die eine Straßenszene in New York zeigt

Cameron Rowland, Deputies, Maxwell Graham/Essex Street, New York, New York, Installation view

Portrait Maria VMier

"Site Visit" at Museum Brandhorst