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Press release

Future Bodies from a Recent Past—Sculpture, Technology, and the Body since the 1950s

2 June 2022 until 15 January 2023, ground level and lower level | PRESS PREVIEW on 1 June 2022, 11 a.m.

Press release

Future Bodies from a Recent Past—Sculpture, Technology, and the Body since the 1950s


Press Preview: 1 June 2022, 11 a.m.

Opening: 1 June 2022, 7 p.m.

Exhibition: 2 June 2022 - 15 January 2023


The exhibition “Future Bodies from a Recent Past—Sculpture, Technology, and the Body since the 1950s” at Museum Brandhorst brings to life a hitherto little-noticed phenomenon in art, and more particularly in sculpture: the reciprocal interpenetration of body and technology. With more than 100 works and several large-scale installations by around 60 artists—primarily from Europe, the United States, and Japan—the exhibition focuses on the major technological changes since World War II and their influence on our ideas of the body.


You are cordially invited to a press preview in the presence of chief curator Patrizia Dander and Franziska Linhardt, research associate on Wednesday, June 1, at 11 a.m..

Please obtain accreditation by no later than 11 a.m. on May 31, 2022 at



Inaugural address | Prof. Dr. Bernhard Maaz, Director General Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
Inaugural address | Achim Hochdörfer, Director Museum Brandhorst
Introduction | Patrizia Dander, Chief Curator



Opportunity to pose questions to Patrizia Dander and Franziska Linhardt
Exhibition viewing

Possibility to make film and photographic recordings in the exhibition


Contemporary art is characterized by an examination of the relationship between the body and technology. Many artworks from recent years reflect how we experience ourselves and our environments in the highly technological and networked present. Yet this relationship can be traced far back into the 20th century. The post-war period was marked by rapid technological change, which has become the pinnacle of ideological instrumentalization. It satisfied the need for novelty as much as the need to overcome the traumas of war. At the same time, technology became a crystallization point for global threats and fears of change, or even loss of control. Within this broad spectrum, ranging from euphoria about the future to critical distancing, sculpture also engaged with new technologies. These served equally as means of emancipation as surveillance and (external) control, and profoundly influenced our understanding of bodies.


Across two floors of the museum, “Future Bodies from a Recent Past” presents for the first time a structured frame of reference for this narrative, ranging from the post-war period to the present. Throughout, it becomes clear that sculpture is particularly well suited to picking up and reflecting on these changes—not only because sculptures are physical objects in space and therefore provide a possibility for projecting our own corporeality, but also because they share their materials and production methods with the world that surrounds us. This permeability to outside influences is also evident in the works included here. The exhibition charts a journey through forms and modes of expression in sculpture, which have changed more in the last 70 years than probably ever before in its long history.


How has the relationship between humans and technology shifted since the 1950s? Can the boundaries still be clearly drawn? Where do our digital extensions, such as computers or cell phones, begin and end? What does this mean for our ideas of corporeality and materiality? And what are the social implications of these developments for our (collective) self-understanding? The exhibition explores these core questions.


With works by:

Genpei Akasegawa, Paweł Althamer, Nairy Baghramian, Joachim Bandau, Matthew Barney, Alexandra Bircken, Louise Bourgeois, Robert Breer, John Chamberlain, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Shu Lea Cheang, Jesse Darling, Stephanie Dinkins, Aleksandra Domanović, Melvin Edwards, Bruno Gironcoli, Robert Gober, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Nancy Grossman, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Eva Hesse, Judith Hopf, Rebecca Horn, Tishan Hsu, Edward Ihnatowicz, Arthur Jafa, Motoharu Jōnouchi, KAYA, Kiki Kogelnik, Shigeko Kubota, Tetsumi Kudo, Yayoi Kusama, Nicola L., Mark Leckey, Sarah Lucas, Bruce Nauman, Senga Nengudi, Kiyoji Ōtsuji, Tony Oursler, Nam June Paik, Eduardo Paolozzi, Friederike Pezold, Julia Phillips, Walter Pichler, Seth Price, Carol Rama, Germaine Richier, Niki de Saint Phalle, Hans Salentin, Ashley Hans Scheirl, David Smith, Alina Szapocznikow, Takis, Atsuko Tanaka, Paul Thek, Jean Tinguely, Hannsjörg Voth, Franz West


The exhibition is accompanied by a comprehensive publication with essays by Louis Chude-Sokei, Patrizia Dander, Alex Kitnick, Franziska Linhardt, Megan R. Luke, and Jenny Nachtigall.

240 pages, about 200 color images
Deutscher Kunstverlag
German edition: ISBN 978-3-422-99019-7
English edition: ISBN 978-3-422-99024-1


Curated by:

Patrizia Dander with Franziska Linhardt


Film program „Coming Together in Parts: Carriers“
June 2 till September 4, 2022 | media room Museum Brandhorst
Curated by Franziska Linhardt
The film program “Coming Together in Parts” responds to and extends the themes of the exhibition “Future Bodies from a Recent Past—Sculpture, Technology, and the Body since the 1950s”—in terms of media, time, and content. The first part of the program, entitled “Carriers”, addresses bodies as carriers of meaning and how artists engage with the representations of bodies in digital and technological environments. The video works on display, by Jill Magid, Sondra Perry, and Jeamin Cha, examine different forms of alienation between subjects and their images, as well as their relationships to organizations and institutional structures.


Museum Brandhorst x FILMFEST MÜNCHEN

Film program „Licking My Wounds—Body Horror Inside Out”
Curated by Charlie Fox
Panel and film screening with Charlie Fox, writer and artist from London

28 June 2022 | 8 p.m. | Museum Brandhorst

Museum Brandhorst and FILMFEST MÜNCHEN are cooperating for the third time, this year on the occasion of the exhibition "Future Bodies from a Recent Past - Sculpture, Technology, Body since the 1950s". The focus is on changing images of the body - also in its monstrous forms: "Body Horror." On June 28, 2022, a panel discussion and film screening with Charlie Fox will take place at 8 p.m. at Museum Brandhorst. While Charlie Fox takes a rather intimate, haunted look at the genre in his program "Licking My Wounds—Body Horror Inside Out" along films and videos since the late 1980s, the current cinema productions "A Banquet," (directed by Ruth Paxton, UK 2021), "Dual," (directed by Riley Stearns, USA 2022), and "Watcher" (directed by Chloe Okuno, USA 2022) will be screened in the main program of FILMFEST MÜNCHEN.

With films and videos by Matthew Barney, David Cronenberg, Claire Denis, Julia Ducournau, Jon Rafman & Daniel Lopatin, Tarsem Singh
26 June 2022 | 10 p.m. | Rio Filmpalast
27 June 2022 | 10 p.m. | Rio Filmpalast
29 June 2022 | 9 p.m. | Astor Filmlounge im Arri


Technobodies – Talks, Performances, Workshops and Music
Haus der Kunst | Lenbachhaus | Museum Brandhorst
July 29, 2022 till July 31, 2022
On the occasion of their exhibitions, the Munich institutions Haus der Kunst, Lenbachhaus and Museum Brandhorst are organizing a joint weekend. "Technobodies" focuses on the influence of new technologies on visual art and music. Starting from discourses rooted in the 1960s–’70s, Technobodies explores the relationship between human bodies and technologies over three days of lectures, talks, screenings, performances, and events.


The exhibition is generously supported by:
PIN. Freunde der Pinakothek der Moderne e.V.


K. S. Fischer-Stiftung

Allianz, Partner von PIN. Freunde der Pinakothek der Moderne e.V.


Media Partners:




The art education programs for the exhibition are developed within the context of "dive in. Program for Digital Interactions" of the Federal Cultural Foundation, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) in the NEUSTART KULTUR program.




Press photos

Shigeko Kubota, Video Poem, 1970-75; Lynn Hershman Leeson, X-Ray Man, 1970; Lynn Hershman Leeson, X-Ray Woman, 1966

Joachim Bandau, Transplantationsobjekt VI (Kölner Spritze), 1968

Installation view Future Bodies from a Recent Past—Sculpture, Technology, and the Body since the 1950s

Besucher:innen betrachten verschiedene, große Skultpuren

Nairy Baghramian, Scruff of the Neck, 2016

Hängende Skulptur aus Metall

Nairy Baghramian, Headgear, 2016

Installation von Franz West aus zwei großen Kabinen, Kunstwerken und einem Bildschirm

Franz West, Paßstücke mit Box und Video, 1996

Franz West, Paßstücke mit Box und Video, 1996

Installationsansicht mit mehren Kunstwerken von der Decke hängend und auf Sockeln stehend

Paul Thek, Untitled (from the Series Technological Reliquaries), 1965/66

Skulpturen in Neofarben auf Sockeln in Ausstellungsraum

Paul Thek, Untitled (from the Series Technological Reliquaries), 1965/66

Hunderte blau-weißer Bonbons am Boden, die von Händen berührt werden

Felix Ganzales-Torres, Untitled (Lover Boys), 1991

Besucher:innen vor Felix Gonzales-Torres Werk bestehend aus am Boden liegenden Bonbons

Felix Ganzales-Torres, Untitled (Lover Boys), 1991

Vordergrund: Alina Szapocznikow, Pnąca 1959Die Kletternde, Hintergrund: Germaine Richier Le Griffu 1952

Alina Szapocznikow, Pnąca 1959

Paweł Althamer mit Paweł Buchholz, Marcin Leszczyński, Michał Mioduszewski, Daniel Hans, Sławomir Mocarski, Julia Matea Petelska, Jędrzej Rogoziński
Bródno People, 2010

Paweł Althamer mit Paweł Buchholz, Marcin Leszczyński, Michał Mioduszewski, Daniel Hans, Sławomir Mocarski, Julia Matea Petelska, Jędrzej Rogoziński
Bródno People, 2010

Jean Tinguely, Radio Sculpture 1962

Installationsansicht „Future Bodies from a Recent Past – Skulptur, Technologie, Körper seit den 1950er-Jahren“ im Museum Brandhorst

Mark Leckey, UniAddDumThs, 2014–fortlaufend

Mark Leckey, UniAddDumThs “MAN”, 2014–ongoing

Besucherinnen vor großer Skulptur

Visitors in front of Mark Leckey, UniAddDumThs “MAN”, 2014–ongoing

Mark Leckey, UniAddDumThs “MACHINE”, 2014–ongoing

Mark Leckey, UniAddDumThs “ANIMAL”, 2014–ongoing

Besucher:innen vor

Mark Leckey, UniAddDumThs “ANIMAL”, 2014–ongoing

Mark Leckey, UniAddDumThs, 2014–ongoing

Tishan Hsu, „Transfusion”, 1988, in the back: Tishan Hsu, „Cordless“, 1989

Joachim Bandau, „Fingerbank II”, 1970, Shu Lea Cheang, „Channels of Desire from Those Fluttering Objects of Desire,“ 1992/93, Bruce Nauman, „2 Heads on Base #1”, 1989, Tishan Hsu, „Transfusion”, 1988

Aleksandra Domanović
Mayura Mudra, 2013

Paweł Althamer mit Paweł Buchholz, Marcin Leszczyński, Michał Mioduszewski, Daniel Hans, Sławomir Mocarski, Julia Matea Petelska, Jędrzej Rogoziński
Bródno People, 2010

Nicola L.
Little TV Woman: „I Am the Last Woman Object“, 1969

Wandarbeit, die den Abdruck einer Hand und ihre Bewegung zeigt, die im Rahmen der Ausstellung 'Future Bodies from a Recent Past' am Museum Brandhorst in München ausgestellt ist.

Kiki Kogelnik
Bye, Bye Baby, 1964

Skulptur, aus roten Gummibahnen, die im Rahmen der Ausstellung 'Future Bodies from a Recent Past' am Museum Brandhorst in München ausgestellt wird.

Genpei Akasegawa
Sheets Of Vagina (Second Present), 1961/94

Nancy Grossman
Potawatami, 1967

Wandarbeit in Gold und Schwarz, die im Rahmen der Ausstellung 'Future Bodies from a Recent Past' am Museum Brandhorst in München ausgestellt wird.

Carol Rama
Autorattristatrice N. 10, 1970

Werk der Künstlerin Lynn Hershman Leeson aus der Ausstellung Future Bodies form a Recent Past in München

Lynn Hershman Leeson
X-Ray Man, 1970

Skulptur von Joachim Bandau aus Aluminum auf Rollen, die in der Ausstellung Future Bodies from a Recent Past in München zu sehen ist.

Joachim Bandau
Großes silbernes Monstrum (Version 2), 1971 / 1974 / 2016

Skulptur aus zwei menschlichen Wachsköpfen in Rot und Grün, die Teil der Ausstellung Future Bodies from a Recent Past in München ist.

Bruce Nauman
2 Heads on Base #1, 1989

Wandarbeit, aus rostartigen Metallelementen, die im Rahmen der Ausstellung 'Future Bodies from a Recent Past' am Museum Brandhorst in München ausgestellt wird.

Melvin Edwards
South African Poetry, 1986

Werk der Künstlerin Tishan Hsu aus der Ausstellung Future Bodies from a Recent Past in München

Tishan Hsu
Cordless, 1989

Skultpur auf drei Beinen, silbergläzend. Teil der Ausstellung Future Bodies from a Recent Past am Museum Brandhorst, Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst München

Bruno Gironcoli
Ohne Titel (Baby auf drei Beinen), 1992–1996

Auf einem Sockel und an der Wand hängende Skulpturen, die in der Ausstellung Future Bodies from a Recent Past im Museum Brandhorst in München gezeigt werden.

Franz West
2 Paßstücke, 2003

Skulptur einer menschlichen Hand auf einem Glassockel der Künstlerin Aleksandra Domanovic, die Teil der Ausstellung Future Bodies from a Recent Past in München ist.

Aleksandra Domanović
Fatima, 2013

Skulptur, aus einer Schaufensterpuppe, die im Rahmen der Ausstellung 'Future Bodies from a Recent Past' am Museum Brandhorst in München ausgestellt wird.

Alexandra Bircken
New Model Army 5, 2016

Vier Schaufensterpuppen ohne Köpfe, gekleidet in Anzüge aus Feinstrumpfhosen

Alexandra Bircken, New Model Army, 2016

Skultpurale Arbeit der Künstlerin Nairy Baghramian aus der Ausstellung Future Bodies from a Recent Past in München, die an eine großformatige Zahnspange erinnert.

Nairy Baghramian
Scruff of the Neck, 2016

Aleksandra Domanović
Little Sister, 2013 / 2022

Guided tour for children and families

Guided tour for children and families

Filmstill, das zwei Frauen in einem Schwimmbecken zeigt.

Jeamin Cha
Nameless Syndrome, 2022

Filmstill, das eine Einganghalle mit Menschen in Rückenansicht zeigt, die auf einen Bildschirm sehen.

Jill Magid
Lobby 7, 1999

Filmstill, dass ein verschwommenes Foto von zwei Menschen zeigt, auf dem einen blaue Figur schwebt

Sondra Perry
It’s in the Game ’17, 2017

Yong Xiang Li,
I’m Not in Love (How to Feed on Humans), 2020

Sophia Al-Maria
The Future was Desert Part 1, 2016

Masha Godovannaya
Laika. The Last Flight, 2017

Chief Curator Patrizia Dander with research associate Franziska Linhardt

Chief Curator Patrizia Dander with research associate Franziska Linhardt

Chief Curator Patrizia Dander

Portrait der Kuratorin Franziska Linhardt vor weißer Ziegelwand

Research Associate Franziska Linhardt

Farbiges Plakat mit einer Skulptur

Future Bodies from a Recent Past—Sculpture, Technology, and the Body since the 1950s
2 June 2022 until 15 January 2023


Farbiges Plakat mit einer Skulptur

Future Bodies from a Recent Past—Sculpture, Technology, and the Body since the 1950s
2 June 2022 until 15 January 2023


Future Bodies from a Recent Past—Sculpture, Technology, and the Body since the 1950s
2 June 2022 until 15 January 2023
