Open Factory | Build your own pinhole camera!
Key data
- Time of day1:00 until 4:00 PM
- Target groupsAdults, Kids & Families
- Participantsmax. 40 people
- RegistrationFree of charge | No prior registration required | Join in at any time | Places are limited and will be allocated on site according to availability.
Build your own pinhole camera!
Even Aristotle, back in the age of the Ancient Greeks, knew the principle. Light falls through a small hole into a darkened space, creating an upside-down image of the outdoor area. Magical! It occupied artists and scholars for centuries and eventually led to photography. In this workshop you will learn how to build your own pinhole camera (also called a camera obscura), which you can design however you like. We will then capture images of our surroundings and experiment with them.
The workshop will take place in the ticket-free area of the Factory space (lower level) and is run by Chilean artist and photographer Constanza Meléndez. Her work focuses on individuals and their social context and uses the genre of portrait photography as part of her artistic practice. You can create portraits with the pinhole camera!
Every Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m., the intergenerational drop-in format “Open Factory” provides the right setting to get creative with the whole family or with friends. Changing techniques and themes entice you to take part in varied artistic projects, and to stroll through the exhibitions. Whether drawing, painting, using different printing techniques or dancing, whether analog, digital or hybrid—we will take you into the world of colors and shapes and appeal to your imagination and creative spirit.
You’ll find more information about our artists and artwork in our digital creative lab: Factory. There you can explore creative projects to do at home and many other workshops and guided tours for your next museum visit.