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Museum Brandhorst
Theresienstraße 35A 80333 München
Kinder sitzen auf dem Boden im Lepantosaal und ordnen Bildkarten
Workshop Kids & Families

Kids’ Factory | Puppet Theatre

Key data

  • Time of day2:00 until 4:00 PM
  • Target groupKids & Families
  • Participantsmax. 30 people
  • RegistrationFree of charge | No prior registration required | Join in at any time | Places are limited and will be allocated on site according to availability.



Cy Twombly was inspired by the Battle of Lepanto, the historical events and stories surrounding it to create a cycle of works – our "Lepanto" Cycle.

After contemplating and talking about these artworks together, children, parents and grandparents, friends and family listen to another old story. Together we create characters for this story. We then create the puppets with simple materials such as paper, fabric or consumables. At the end of our time together, we act out the story as a puppet theater.

Look forward to the experience: being creative with each other, spending time together.

The workshop will take place in the ticket-free area of the Factory space (lower level) and is run by artist Niloufar Shirani.

More informations

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